Das WAKU Update
#10 - "Roboter in der Logistik": WAKU Update Podcast - Fernando Freitas (EN)
Our first podcast episode in English is out! 🎉
What does it take to successfully implement autonomous mobile robots? A very good question! Let’s put it that way: In theory, this question is pretty easy to answer but in practice, each robot project has many individual success factors and the answer becomes a little bit more complex.
Because of this, Victor wants to get to the bottom of this question in episode #10 of “Roboter in der Logistik: Das WAKU Update”. For that reason, he invited a guest who has already carried out many robot projects around the world. Fernando Freitas is Chief Executive Officer at TUGBOT, a robotics company that develops the "most versatile autonomous mobile robot".
Sounds interesting? Then enjoy listening to the podcast episode!
WAKU Robotics unterstützt Sie bei der Auswahl der passenden Roboter für ihre Anwendungsfälle. Wir kümmern uns um die Beschaffung der Roboter sowie um die Vor-Ort-Test. WAKU Care hilft Ihnen dabei, die Roboter herstellerübergreifend zu betreiben sowie die Prozesse zu analysieren.
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