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Das WAKU Update

#10 - "Roboter in der Logistik": WAKU Update Podcast - Fernando Freitas (EN)

Our first podcast episode in English is out! 🎉

What does it take to successfully implement autonomous mobile robots? A very good question! Let’s put it that way: In theory, this question is pretty easy to answer but in practice, each robot project has many individual success factors and the answer becomes a little bit more complex.

Because of this, Victor wants to get to the bottom of this question in episode #10 of “Roboter in der Logistik: Das WAKU Update”. For that reason, he invited a guest who has already carried out many robot projects around the world. Fernando Freitas is Chief Executive Officer at TUGBOT, a robotics company that develops the "most versatile autonomous mobile robot".

Sounds interesting? Then enjoy listening to the podcast episode!

Kontaktieren Sie unsere Roboter-Experten!

WAKU Robotics unterstützt Sie bei der Auswahl der passenden Roboter für ihre Anwendungsfälle. Wir kümmern uns um die Beschaffung der Roboter sowie um die Vor-Ort-Test. WAKU Care hilft Ihnen dabei, die Roboter herstellerübergreifend zu betreiben sowie die Prozesse zu analysieren.

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