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Das WAKU Update

#26 - "Roboter in der Logistik": WAKU Update Podcast - Javier Miguélez, Moving Robots (EN)

Robotics associations like ARME, the Spanish Mobile Robotics Association, are emerging worldwide to bring together the interests of companies, organizations, and individuals in the robotics industry. Today, we have the pleasure of hosting Javier Miguélez, the president of ARME, who is widely recognized as a leading expert in mobile robotics. Together with our host, Victor, they explore several key topics in the field:

  • The Spanish robot ecosystem
  • Success factors for robot projects
  • The importance of partner networks and models for OEMs and integrators
  • The changing role of integration in the commoditization of robot hardware
  • Different models of Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS)

Tune in now and gain valuable insights from industry experts!

Kontaktieren Sie unsere Roboter-Experten!

WAKU Robotics unterstützt Sie bei der Auswahl der passenden Roboter für ihre Anwendungsfälle. Wir kümmern uns um die Beschaffung der Roboter sowie um die Vor-Ort-Test. WAKU Care hilft Ihnen dabei, die Roboter herstellerübergreifend zu betreiben sowie die Prozesse zu analysieren.

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