Das WAKU Update
#38 - WAKU Update Podcast - Mike Futch, Tompkins Robotics (EN)
Episode in Englisch
In the field of mobile robotics, there are a variety of innovative solutions for different applications. Tompkins Robotics excels in providing autonomous robotic solutions for upstream and downstream processes. The company is strategically planning new, breakthrough solutions in its roadmap to increase flexibility for end-to-end automation in order fulfillment.
In this episode, we speak with Mike Futch, CEO and President of Tompkins Robotics, who provides exciting insights into the following topics:
- Tompkins Robotics' extensive product portfolio, ranging from sortation solutions to picking assistant AMRs.
- For which business cases and product categories the t-sort sortation system already offers remarkable value.
- The seamless integration possibilities with other robotic systems and manufacturers, especially in the goods-to-person sector.
- Tompkins Robotics' planned expansion into the European market in 2024.
- An insight into the expected developments of Tompkins Robotics in 2024 and beyond.
If you'd like to delve deeper into these topics and more, listen to the podcast. Tune in now!
WAKU Robotics unterstützt Sie bei der Auswahl der passenden Roboter für ihre Anwendungsfälle. Wir kümmern uns um die Beschaffung der Roboter sowie um die Vor-Ort-Test. WAKU Care hilft Ihnen dabei, die Roboter herstellerübergreifend zu betreiben sowie die Prozesse zu analysieren.
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