Digitally enhanced robot life cycle management

WAKU Care for Robot OEMs

Efficient and digital after-sales support
Data insights using device connection
Optimized maintenance schedules, repairs & spare-part management
Work order management for your service teams
Direct remote support for your customers

Digitalized - Optimized - Efficient

Benefits for Manufacturers

WAKU Care presents a unique opportunity for you to deliver significant value to your customers and service teams effortlessly. Explore optimized and efficient after-sales service, scale your field service teams, and seamlessly manage spare parts.

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WAKU Care makes the difference

Our Benefits - Your Success

Our benefits include significant after-sales cost reduction, detailed insights into servicing expenses, and efficient, data-driven maintenance for enhanced robot longevity and performance.

Made for robots

Take targeted actions by understanding device data like errors, missions, hardware status.


Foster seamless & fast know-how exchange between customer, service partner & OEM.

Data Insights & AI

Track resources and spendings in aftersales. Turn insights into actionable optimization.

Automation & Prediction

Automate repetitive tasks and use prediction for preventing expensive outages & incidents.

Easy-To-Use Interface

Interactive guidance for non-technical end-customers and servicing team.

Single Central Tool

Streamlined and connected communication and documentation in a single software tool.

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Key Features for Manufacturers

As a manufacturer, ensuring optimal performance of your devices at your customers' sites, proper maintenance, and empowering your customers with control are paramount. With WAKU Care, you can provide swift remote support, ensuring seamless operations.

Easy integration of your devices

Offer efficient Remote Support

Optimal maintenance support for your customers

Reduce training efforts & increase flexibility

Train once and operate multiple vendors

Training your team once to operate and service various robot systems offers cost efficiency and time savings. A standardized skill set among team members enhances adaptability and resource optimization, allowing for quick deployment across different projects. This approach boosts productivity, as the team experiences a shorter learning curve when introduced to new systems, fostering cross-functional collaboration. Additionally, the enhanced troubleshooting skills acquired lead to reduced downtime and increased competitiveness in the evolving technological landscape, ensuring your team remains versatile and effective across diverse robotic applications.