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Success Story

Automating Excellence: Körber’s Strategic Leap with WAKU Care

Körber Supply Chain

Körber Business Area Supply Chain is a leading provider of comprehensive supply chain solutions, delivering innovative technologies and tailored services to optimize logistics and warehouse operations worldwide.

 Headquarter in Bad Nauheim

 Supply chain software, voice and robotics

 2.850+ employees


As a globally recognized leader in software solutions, Körber has the expertise in helping businesses of any size navigate the escalating complexities of the supply chain. Businesses worldwide conquer supply chain complexity thanks to Körber's end-to-end portfolio, including software, voice, robotics - plus the expertise to tie it all together. In the arena of industrial automation, Körber has emerged as a beacon of innovation, deploying integrated software, services and technology for autonomous mobile robots – for smarter, more responsive warehousing maximizing customer return on investment. The incorporation of WAKU Care, an advanced maintenance management platform, has signified a leap forward in their operational prowess, delivering unparalleled user-friendliness and collaborative efficiency in maintenance operations.

Maintenance Schedules Asset Management Collaboration with Clients Multi-Customer Setup Spare Part & Inventory Field Service Mgmt.

  WAKU Care plays a crucial role in our support and maintenance strategy. It is an excellent software equipped with numerous AMR-specific and highly intelligent functionalities. This guides our technicians throughout the entire process and enables our customers to monitor their AMR assets seamlessly.

Dr. Andreas Bahke, Vice President Robotics at Körber Business Area Supply Chain


Körber's imprint on the logistics industry has been characterized by its relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation. Recognized as a Leader Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and Customers’ Choice in the 2023 Gartner® Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Warehouse Management Systems, Körber exemplified the broad range of its supply chain solutions. With a rich history of technological leadership and more than 4,700 customers worldwide, their foray into the realm of AMRs and AGVs has not only elevated their standing but also redefined the benchmarks for warehouse automation. Körber’s journey towards optimizing and scaling their maintenance operations found a powerful ally in WAKU Care, a solution that promised to streamline and enhance the robustness of their robotics service offering.

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The Challenge

As Körber expanded its capabilities and ventured into more complex robotics solutions, the company was confronted with an increasing need to manage its maintenance operations more efficiently. The intricacies of overseeing a vast and varied fleet of AMRs and AGVs demanded a maintenance management tool that could deliver not just in terms of functionality but also ease of use and adaptability.

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The Solution

WAKU Care answered this call with a platform that was both powerful and intuitive, allowing for a seamless transition from Körber’s previous maintenance systems. Its design, which emphasized ease of use and a collaborative approach, meant that implementation could be swift and without the usual teething problems associated with new software integrations.

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Become a digital champion in support, maintenance, and repair with WAKU Care!

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The Implementation

The deployment of WAKU Care was a textbook example of plug-and-play simplicity, immediately resonating with the maintenance teams due to its familiar, user-friendly interface. The platform facilitated the creation of detailed templates, streamlined asset management, and simplified the invitation of collaboration from various stakeholders. This ease of setup and operation allowed Körber to focus on what they do best—delivering cutting-edge logistics solutions.

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The Outcome

WAKU Care's impact was multifaceted, bringing about a noticeable uptick in maintenance efficiency and transparency. Its robust time-tracking capabilities provided Körber with granular insights into their operations, enabling a more strategic approach to workforce management and cost analysis. The platform's documentation process became the cornerstone of Körber’s service operations, ensuring every action was recorded, every issue was tracked, and every solution was documented for future reference.

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The Benefits for Jugard+Künstner

Enhanced collaboration across teams and with external partners, ensuring that everyone stays informed and in sync.

Improved efficiency in maintenance scheduling and execution, reducing downtime and optimizing robot performance.

Increased transparency in operations, offering a clear view of maintenance activities, resource allocation, and task completion times.

About WAKU Care

The WAKU Care module is an advanced maintenance management tool of the WAKU Platform to keep your robots running. You will benefit from:

  • Asset management across processes, departments, and sites
  • Analyzing manual efforts and equipment performance for efficient fleet maintenance planning
  • Standardized work templates for maintenance and repairs
  • Preventive maintenance based on device data and intelligent algorithms
  • Digital documentation for transparent repairs and maintenance cycles
  • Central collaboration tool for communication with integrators and manufacturers

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