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How to Do Spare Parts Management for Robots

Published on 09.09.2024

Managing spare parts for robotic systems is a critical aspect of maintaining operational efficiency and minimizing downtime. Robots are complex machines with many moving parts, sensors, and electronics that need regular maintenance and repair. Effective spare parts management ensures that when issues arise, necessary components are readily available to keep the robots running smoothly. Here's how to optimize spare parts management specifically for robotics:

1. Classify Spare Parts by Criticality and Usage

For robotic systems, it is important to classify spare parts based on their criticality:

  • High-Criticality Parts: These are components essential for the robot’s operation, such as motors, control boards, and sensors. A failure of these parts could lead to significant downtime.
  • Medium-Criticality Parts: These include parts that affect the robot’s performance but don’t cause immediate shutdowns, like wheels or secondary actuators.
  • Low-Criticality Parts: These are wear-and-tear components, such as belts or housings, that are inexpensive and easy to replace.
    Classifying the parts in this way helps prioritize inventory and ensures that critical components are always on hand.

2. Use Predictive Maintenance for Robotics

Robots are often equipped with sensors that can monitor their own performance. Predictive maintenance uses this data to predict when parts are likely to fail. By integrating spare parts management with predictive maintenance, you can ensure that necessary parts are ordered before failure occurs, reducing unplanned downtime.

For example, systems like WAKU Care can monitor the performance of robots in real time, alerting maintenance teams when a component is nearing the end of its lifecycle. This ensures that spare parts are available exactly when needed.

3. Maintain a Digital Inventory of Spare Parts

Robotic systems often require a diverse range of parts, from mechanical components like gears and actuators to electronic parts like sensors and circuit boards. Managing this inventory digitally through a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) allows for real-time tracking and ensures you have a clear overview of parts availability.

WAKU Care offers a digital spare parts management system that tracks inventory, automates reorder points, and logs usage history. This streamlines the process and reduces the risk of manual tracking errors.

4. Standardize Parts Across Robot Models

One of the challenges in managing spare parts for robots is the diversity of models and manufacturers, each requiring specific parts. Where possible, standardize parts across different robot models to reduce the complexity of managing inventory. For instance, using the same types of sensors, actuators, or controllers across multiple robots simplifies ordering and stocking processes.

Standardization also improves repair times, as technicians will be familiar with the components, and spare parts can be shared across machines.

5. Implement Just-in-Time (JIT) Ordering for Non-Critical Parts

For non-critical parts that are used less frequently, Just-in-Time (JIT) ordering can reduce inventory costs. By coordinating with suppliers and using systems like WAKU Care to monitor parts usage in real time, businesses can order parts only when needed, reducing holding costs while ensuring availability when necessary.

However, for high-criticality parts, maintaining a small stock of essential components is advisable to avoid unexpected downtimes.

6. Establish Supplier Relationships for Fast Delivery

Having strong relationships with suppliers is essential for ensuring timely delivery of spare parts, especially for robots that operate in mission-critical environments. For robotic spare parts, it's important to work with suppliers who understand the urgency of your needs and can provide fast shipping or even vendor-managed inventory (VMI) solutions.

WAKU Care can be integrated with supplier systems to automate the ordering process, ensuring that parts are delivered before they are needed and minimizing delays in robotic operations.

7. Track Spare Parts Lifecycle and Usage

Each spare part used in a robotic system has a specific lifecycle, and tracking this is crucial for cost-effective management. Tracking when parts were last replaced, their performance, and when they are likely to fail allows maintenance teams to plan better. This historical data can guide future decisions, such as whether a part needs to be replaced more frequently or if alternative suppliers should be considered for better durability.

Using a CMMS like WAKU Care, you can monitor the lifecycle of each spare part, track its performance in various robots, and adjust your stocking levels based on actual data rather than assumptions.

8. Monitor for Obsolescence

Robotic technology is rapidly evolving, and certain parts may become obsolete over time. Managing spare parts for robots requires keeping track of which components are still supported by manufacturers and which may need to be phased out. Working with manufacturers and utilizing tools like WAKU Care can help keep inventory updated with the latest components while phasing out obsolete parts.

Conclusion: Optimizing Spare Parts Management for Robotics

Managing spare parts for robots requires a combination of predictive maintenance, real-time tracking, standardization, and strategic inventory control. By leveraging digital platforms like WAKU Care, businesses can enhance their spare parts management by gaining real-time visibility, automating inventory processes, and optimizing the availability of critical components.

Effective spare parts management ensures that robotic systems operate with minimal downtime, improving productivity and reducing costs over time. By integrating predictive tools, establishing strong supplier relationships, and standardizing parts across systems, companies can build a robust strategy that maximizes the efficiency of their robotic operations.

Contact our robot experts!

WAKU Robotics supports you in choosing the right robot for your application. We take care of the procurement of the robots as well as the on-site test. Our WAKU Platform software helps you to operate the robots across manufacturers and to analyze the processes.

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