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Robot Operations Framework

Robot Operations Framework

The Initial Proof of Concept

Find early supporters

Finding supporters and promoters early on is a very important topic for the first proof of concepts (PoC). If something new hits the facility - regardless if it is a new process or new technical solutions - it will bring headwinds and raise doubts as well as refusal.

To overcome this challenge involve all the people onsite very early on. Furthermore make them supporters of the new “robot colleague” and the change that comes with it. Some employees may find it interesting to learn about the tech behind the robot to get a better understanding. Others may be keen to learn about how the robot interacts and how it can serve them. Often, the change that comes into processes is perceived as a source of more friction and additional work. Don’t let your employees be uninformed about what will happen.

A big part of mastering the change is the story telling behind the change. Finding ways to pack the change in a story that makes it more engaging for employees is an important point. It can show that if repetitive work as well as carrying heavy loads will be covered with robots, they will have more free mental and physical capabilities to deal with other tasks.

Contact our robot experts!

WAKU Robotics supports you in choosing the right robot for your application. We take care of the procurement of the robots as well as the on-site test. Our WAKU Platform software helps you to operate the robots across manufacturers and to analyze the processes.

Contact WAKU