Sustainable Automation Journey

Robot Operations Framework

2 - Organization

Offer Employee Training

Good employees are the resource that makes a company successful. But in an environment of constant change, employees need constant training. This is an investment every successful company needs to make if it wants to continue being successful.

An employee training framework makes sense. This framework should define which trainings create value, how often these trainings are performed, and what the budget of these trainings are (or per employee).

Workshops on different topics, personal development sessions, learning new skills like ICT (information and communication technology), language skills or even team-building events could be part of this framework.

But learning new skills is just one side of the coin. Transferring learnings into action and applying them into everyday life is the second side of it. This transfer of learning is encouraged by cultivating a culture and by providing positive reinforcement, rewarding those who practice what they learned. These rewards can be manifold, reaching from incentives like salary increases or a promotion.

If your employees are part of this internal development program and are able to transfer their learnings into their everyday work, this can bring a new vibe of appreciating change and development, personally and professionally.

Contact our robot experts!

WAKU Robotics supports you in choosing the right robot for your application. We take care of the procurement of the robots as well as the on-site test. Our WAKU Care software helps you to operate the robots across manufacturers and to analyze the processes.

Contact WAKU