The WAKU Update

#3 - "Roboter in der Logistik": WAKU Update Podcast - Beate Stoffers (DE)

As digitalization advances, robotics is also becoming increasingly exciting for schools and educational institutions. But what about digitization in education? What do schools have to do to optimally prepare students for the digital working world? What skills need to be taught and what role does business play in this?

In the third episode of "Roboter in der Logistik," Victor invites education expert Beate Stoffers to talk to her about the development of digitization in Berlin schools and what still needs to happen in the future. She appeals to companies that they, also must make their contribution to digital education and enable hands-on learning.

Would you like to hear more? Then take a listen!

Contact our robot experts!

WAKU Robotics supports you in choosing the right robot for your application. We take care of the procurement of the robots as well as the on-site test. Our WAKU Care software helps you to operate the robots across manufacturers and to analyze the processes.

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